Tuesday 10 January 2017

Filming 2

Today we filmed our thriller opening. Filming went fairly smoothly as we knew what to expect. The only problem we encountered was the fact that the broken glass we used in the rough cut wasn't there any more. To get around this we improvised and used a knife. This ended up being a good thing as the knife actually looked more dangerous and thrilling. Another thing that was time consuming, was the fact that- due to our audience feedback- i had to wear different outfits. This is because a few people said they would prefer it if i were to wear a mask. I had three outfits, therefore had to film every scene three times. One with a hat, one with the hockey mask( that we will end up using) and one with a black hooded mask. We chose to use the hockey mask as the scenes looked better and more dramatic.
Today's shooting was a lot more efficient than our first time. This is because we knew where we going to take our shots from, we had all the angles and shot types figured out already so there wasn't anything to think about or debate. Also, we already knew what was wrong with our rough cut, this made it easy to improve.

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