Monday 16 January 2017

Rough cut and analysis

After editing and uploading our rough cut we soon found that we uploaded the wrong video. This was due to the comments on the video that stated it didn't make sense.

This is the thriller opening we uploaded, which is wrongly edited.

As previously stated, this rough cut is wrongly edited which led to the audience being confused as the plot didn't make sense. The missing scene showed the intruder lurking in the garden of the unsuspecting victim. Without this scene the last scene seems very random and abrupt.

Beside from this, during the opening scenes there is a lot of background noise and it takes too long  for the plot to actually get going. Also there are some shots that don't really makes sense as they not showcasing anything particular. For instance the shot where sam opens the first door just shows his coat and nothing that really adds to the story. In addition, there are some editing issues that need to be addressed, these include basic cuts that make the scene seem to drag on. This is because the shots don't really show anything and should've been cut out. Furthermore, there awesome continuity problems with the door just being shut and we can clearly see its open in the next shot.

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