Tuesday 17 January 2017

Audience feedback on Rough Cut

Today we held an audience feedback session. We premiered our thriller opening to the class. We handed all members of the audience a few questions to be thinking about during the thriller.
 These questions were:
1) What is your overall opinion after watching the introduction?
2) What scene do you feel had the most impact on you and the film?
3) What scene was most irrelevant to you and the film?
4) Would you change any elements concerning miss-en-scene?
5) Suggest one improvement
6) Is the music suitable?
And a Mark out of 10

The general feedback was that the thriller was good, but not great. This was what we was expecting as it was a rough edit. There was a lot of variation in the second question. Some people said that the most impactful scene was the stair scene where the intruder (me) follows the homeowner (Sam) up the stairs. Others said the scene that had an effect on them was the scene that showed the me staring through the window. Most people said that the irrelevant scene was the one with Sam reading out the Facebook post. However, we as a group, thought that was a good plot point as it showed that the intruder had put some thought into the attack. So we will have to put extra care into this scene so it comes across as we envisioned it. As far as mise-en-scene, the only suggestion was that, me, the intruder should wear a mask. We still are't sure if we agree with this so we will film the opening in a few times, one with a mask, one without a mask, and one with a scarf covering part of my face. This leaves us with a few options and we can choose the look that suits the plot the most. Again, the music was generally accepted as unsuitable, so this would have to be changed. It should also be stated that we will implement the music in a better way so we have the main character wearing earphones so the music is relevant. Furthermore, we will add some music whenever I come into the shot to further show that i am the villain

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