Wednesday 25 January 2017

Audience feedback of thriller

Our thriller was received well amongst our class and most didn't have any improvements to make. In response to the following:

1.How/has your opinion changed of our introduction?

2.What scene do you feel had the most impact on you and the film?

3.What scene had the least impact on the introduction?

4.Would you change any elements concerning mise-en-scene?

5.suggest one improvement.

6.Is the music suitable?

The general feedback was that the introduction was more suitable for the tone of the thriller. The audience said that the scene that had the most impact o them was both the last one where sam is attacked. Along with the scene where i appear at the bottom of the stairs through the mirror. Many of the audience said that there wasn't a scene that stood out as being the least impactful.  However a few said that the knife scene was underwhelming. In retrospect we should have done something to make this more dramatic. The improvement that was suggested was sound effects which we later added. 

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