Friday 23 December 2016

Location sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Anybody Home?
Client: Shamma
Writer: Alex
Producer: Sam H
Director: Sam D

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note

Simmons drive, Dagenham
Shamma’s house

Access to location via:
Bus and walking

Name and number of location contact:

Shamma- 07538148217
Health and Safety Issues to note:

  • Traffic, bus , general public
Potential Filming Problems :

  • Too Dark to film
  • Too cold to film
  • Sound issues
  • Issues with the actors
  • Technical difficulties

Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc)

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 14.07.30.png

Thursday 22 December 2016

Wednesday 21 December 2016


This is the storyboard of our film, created by myself and the rest of my production team.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Risk assessment

Risk Assessment
Group Members: Location:
Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Everyone on the road
Be very weary on the road, wait for the green man
weather damaging the equipment
the cameraman, soundman
cover the equipment in rain, or take them inside and dry them off before going to use them
Falling down stairs, accidents that happen whilst filming
actors and cameramen
make sure to watch your step and clear the stairs.


Emergency Service:
Robert Clack School:
Other Contacts:

Monday 19 December 2016

Costumes and props

Sam: innocent, returning home, seemingly normal day.
Something like this is ideal as it shows he is returning home from a normal day, wearing nothing too fancy or unusual.

Intruder: sinister, mysterious, villain,

Black items of clothing paint the person as being evil and villainous. It is standard thriller convention of having a thug in a black hoodie with black gloves. This is important as it means we don't have to spend time sowing the audience who is the villain. They can figure it out just by the clothing. 
The audience in our feedback stated that they thought it would add to the story if the intruder was to wear a mask. The mask just makes it clear to the audience that he is the villain,  it also adds an element of mystery as we cant see the face behind it.

Thursday 15 December 2016


Group Roles

Cinematography: Shamma M
Mise-en-scene: Sam D
Sound: Alex M
Editing: Sam H

Anybody Home?

Tag Line: Home Sweet Home, or so they say

A young man arrives home from a day out and starts to discover little clues that lead him to believe that he is not alone. Whilst exploring his house he finds a very suspicious note surrounded by a collection of photographs of himself that he didn’t know existed. A shadowy figure then ascends from the darkness …


Key Genre Conventions:
Suspense : there is a lot of suspense and tension throughout. Including a smashed glass.
The camera angles used match those often used in thrillers such as close ups, medium shots, eye-line match and action match.

Monday 12 December 2016

Production meeting 3

Today we had a production meeting to discuss what the intruder has to wear. This wasn't really settled and we're gonna have to film 3 different outfits. This is because Sam thought it would be better if i didn't wear a mask as it shows i'm an ordinary person and in someways that is scarier. However, i thought it would be better if we listened to the audience feedback and wore a mask. Then we couldn't decide what mask as i have 2 that would work. Both would be good however it comes down to which one looks better when we come to edit. it should be fine to film each sequence 3 times as i'm not in that many shots. Also, the shots i am in don't last too long.

Friday 9 December 2016

Final idea

The final idea we chose to film was "Anybody home?"

We chose this because although our other ideas were good we felt as though this was, not only easier to do, but there was more little things we could implement.
These things include smashed glasses, and some creative shots often used in thrillers.
In addition to this, "Anybody Home?" appeals to a larger audience as more people can relate to something simple like an intruder as oppose to a football match.
Furthermore, we thought more people can empathise with sam who is just returning home from a day out.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Production meeting 2 : Making the collage

Today, we made a collage of photos that we took of our lead actor sam. The purpose for this was to make it look like sam's character was being followed. In our film Sam will be looking at the collage when the intruder attacks.
This is an important component of the story as it shows that it isn't a coincidence that the intruder chose sam. It also shows that the killer has some skill, which leads the audience to believe that he is a threat. Also, it is a good distraction as the audience doesn't expect the attack then. While they are focusing on sam's expression or the collage, a loud noise along with frightening scenes will remind the audience they are watching a thriller.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Initial ideas

White Hart Lane

This an idea that involves Sam Howlett going to a football match as if he was vlogging the event. Something happens that causes panic and luckily sam is there to film the event.

Anybody home?

This idea is Sam returning home from a day out, however he soon discovers he isn't alone in his house.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Production Meeting 1

The roles are as following:

Alex Maloney : Cameraman
Sam Dumbleton: Director
Sam Howlett: Actor
Shamma Mukandsatsama: sound

This is when we assigned the roles. We thought about the characters, location and shot types. We developed three ideas for a thriller opening.

Monday 5 December 2016

My Production Team

My production team consists of myself and three others.

Sam Howlett
Sam is the main actor in the group. He helps out with sound whenever he can.

Sam Dumbleton
Sam is the camera/ sound man. He also helps me to create the ideas for plots and shots.

Shamma Mukandatsama
Shamma is also a camera/ sound man that sometimes fills in roles in our films.

Alex Maloney
I am The main ideas man for the group. I also do camera work and acting.

Friday 2 December 2016

Evaluation of Preliminary task

In our preliminary task we was trying to tell the story of a 'hit man' who is getting the job to kill someone. The story shows the meeting of a rich and powerful person. A lot of the backstory is left untold to leave suspense for the audience. I think the camera work we used was fairly good. The only issue with that was the shot where the camera goes around the hit man's face. In thought this was a very good idea. However where we was filming made it difficult as it was a very small area, this meant it was hard for sam, our cameraman, to circle me with the camera. Other mistakes we made was still hearing someone shout "action" in the background at the start of the film. This was a mistake that should have been corrected when editing. The good elements of the film was the way that the film flowed. This was due to the way in which we edited it. For example putting certain scenes after where they was originally supposed to be. This lead to a more natural feel to the film. The improvements we could make are to do with the film and plot in general. Mainly the setting. It is quiet clear we are filming in a school. Even though it is supposed to be the office of rich and powerful business man. if we were to film this now we would make it more obvious that shamma is powerful and dangerous by the setting and miss-en-scene.