Thursday 27 October 2016

Source Code

Source Code

Source code is a futuristic thriller, in which a soldier exists in a simulation of a train bombing. The objective of the soldier is to figure out who bombed the train. The film raises many philosophical points, including points about parallel universes and dimensions. In addition the film has moral and ethical dilemmas on whether or not such a thing should exist to prevent terrorism.
The film ends with many things open or unanswered, for instance the audience doesn't know whether or not the soldier is dead or alive, or whether he is continuing living as the man on the train. Either of these endings hint toward an alternate dimension.
For all the excitement the film has romantic moments. There is an ongoing romance and a very moving scene where the soldier, Colter Stevens (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) phones his father.

The film was made in 2011 and was directed by Duncan Jones.

. The film contains CGI special effects and cost $32,000,000 to make.

Colter Stevens is a resourceful hero. He gets out of a lot of scrapes as he challenges fellow passengers.
At the end of the film he challenges/persuades the scientist Colleen Goodwin to allow him one more attempt to enter the source code and change the outcome. She grants him this wish and whether he achieves his goal or not is unknown.
This film is an example of an ordinary person, albeit a soldier, who has been dragged into a situation he does not really understand.
Thrillers are villain driven plots. Colter Stevens is not only against the bomber he is also against the creator of the Source Code who refuses to let him die and wants to use him for future missions. Until the end of the film Stevens is powerless and is driven by others. In addition he also has to fight his own demons. This gives the impression that Colter Stephens is against the world.

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