Tuesday 20 September 2016

Macro/micro - narrative /genre

Vladimir Propp was a soviet folklorist and scholar who analysed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their simplest irreducible narrative elements. He came up with a theory that each story has to gave a certain structure with certain characters.  

For example an example of the villain could be "Bane" from "The Dark Knight Rises". This is because he tries to over run the city by releasing all the prisoners. The helper in this film could be Commissioner Gordon who helps batman retake control of the situation.

Tzvetan Todorov came up with the theory that all films follow a certain pattern. 
The equilibrium is the beginning of the film where everything is in order. Then you have the disruption to the equilibrium which the hero has to fix. When he does this there is a new equilibrium set. 

Claude Levi-Strauss came up with the theory of binary opposites. This is the theory that every haracter in the film has a counterpart. 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

The Brief

The Brief Foundation Portfolio: The Brief I have been asked to produce the titles and opening sequence of a new fiction film in the thriller genre. The sequence should last a maximum of two minutes. I may work in a group of 2 - 4 students. As acting is not assessed I am free to use actors that are not members of my group. The film is worth 60% of my coursework grade. The accompanying blog is worth 40% of my coursework grade Together the Foundation Portfolio is worth 50% of the overall AS Level.

Monday 12 September 2016


My name is Alex Maloney and welcome to my blogger. This will primarily be used for my AS media studies coursework.